The Foundation for Excellence (FFE) is a local charitable organization dedicated to financially supporting Academic and Career & Technical Education (CTE) programs at Bishop Union High School in Bishop, CA, through fundraising events and donations from our community partners. In the last five years alone, the Foundation has contributed over $300,000 to programs at BUHS that enrich the educational opportunities of its students. For years our focus has been to provide the most modern learning technology available.
Most recently we funded new computers to augment previous purchases for the Bronco Industries Graphic Arts and Design program. A few years ago we provided large commercial-grade printing machines and heat presses so students can design and produce custom apparel, posters and stickers for in-house needs as well as for community organizations that request and pay for these services. In the spring of 2017 the FFE bought a $25K plasma cutter for the Agricultural Mechanics/Welding program to supplement existing equipment so students can produce custom-designed metalwork.
In late 2021 we also approved funding for Samsung 85-inch Ultra-High Definition Interactive Displays for every classroom to replace the older Interactive Boards we began funding over a decade ago. These were installed in early 2022 and were met with enthusiasm by teachers and students alike. In particular, teachers have commented on the ease of implementation, ability to annotate text on screen, simplicity in integrating short video clips, clarity of instruction and faster student comprehension, and most importantly, superior visibility and sound over previous presentation systems.
On a larger scale, a few years back the FFE partnered with the Inyo County Office of Education and Bishop Unified School District to renovate the BUHS library in order to create the technology-rich 21st century learning environment called the Bronco Student Center. In addition to becoming a vibrant hub on campus for students to collaborate on school work, gather socially, or simply do homework, this facility provides meeting spaces for students, school, and community organizations.
The Foundation for Excellence prides itself on helping the students and staff of Bishop Union High School to stay ahead of the technology curve. We appreciate the generous support provided by so many individuals and businesses within the community of Bishop.
Fundraising Goal – Augment Education
Tech Center
UHD Interactive Displays
Plasma Cutting Table
Classroom Equipment
Graphic Design Equipment
Teacher Reimbursements
Trailer for Ag Program
Bronco Way
Web Hosting
Genetics Mini Lab
Photo Equipment
Library Books
Epson Projector
Drinking Fountain
Fire Tablets
ACT/SAT Test Prep
Large Format Monitors
Epson Document Camera
Kindle Fires
Weekly Subscription to Avid
Media/Design Print Supplies
Wireless Microphone & iPod System
Title VII Program Books
What is your Priority?
Think Big. Act Bigger.
School Spirit Pays makes it easy for businesses to make a difference in our community by supplementing local school funding. They do it without additional cost to businesses, consumers, or taxpayers. This is done through their credit card processing relationship with local businesses. In turn, parents, educators and other community members are motivated to shop at local businesses that support schools. A portion of every transaction processed is donated to Bishop Union High School through the Foundation For Excellence.
School Spirit Pays matches each businesses’ competitive processing rates, so there are no added expense to the business. The more local businesses get involved, the greater their mission of generosity is magnified in our BUHS. The Foundation believes in a cycle of mutual value, businesses help fund BUHS through their credit card processing with School Spirit Pays. Parents, educators and other community members are motivated to buy from local businesses that support our high school. As the number of School Spirit Pays businesses grow, funds for schools increase. Currently eleven businesses are participating with more signing on each day.
When you live in our community, you have a vested interest in maintaining a diverse and thriving economy of small businesses. They create jobs, fund more city services through sales tax, invest in neighborhood improvements and promote community development. Property values increase and families are attracted to a community when local schools are recognized for the quality of their education. This can be achieved with adequate sustainable funding for our schools.
If you would like to catch the spirit and become a School Spirit Pays merchant, please contact the Foundation For Excellence, Darin Willey, 760-937-0030.
Businesses Supporting
School Spirit Pays
Anne Marie’s Gadgets, Gifts
Bishop Creek Lodge
- Bishop Heating and Air
Britt’s Diesel
Brune Mortuary
- Drs. Carter and Richman, Optometrists
Community Printing
- Dean’s Heating and Plumbing
Devon’s Flower Patch
Great Basin Bakery
Laws Railroad Museum
The Meat House
Mountain View Animal Hospital
Mr K Automotive
Northern Inyo Hospital
Preferred Septic and Disposal
Right Way Pool & Spa
The Rubber Room
Sage Restaurant
Skyline Family Dentistry
Taqueria Las Palmas
Tri-County Fair